Senin, 05 Desember 2011

Journal 67 : Review novel --> FATE by ORIZUKA *Spoiler alert!!*


FATE - when a destiny made us meet - 

Kita Bertemu Karena Takdir itu Ada
Judul Buku              : FATE –saat nasib mempertemukan kita-
Nama Pengarang     : Orizuka
Penerbit                  : Authorized Books
Halaman                 : 293 halaman
Terbit                     : Mei 2010
Sinopsis :
Apakah kau percaya takdir? Bagaimana kau menghadapi takdirmu? Apakah takdirmu bagus dan sesuai keinginanmu? Jika tidak, bagaimana kau akan menerima takdirmu itu?
Mungkin hal itulah yang tepat diungkapkan dalam novel ini. Takdir. Sesuatu yang telah menjadi ketetapan Tuhan. Sesuatu yang tidak bisa diubah dengan tangan manusia. Apabila kau telah mengetahui takdirmu, apa yang akan kau lakukan? Tetap menerima dan menghadapinya, atau malah menolak dan menghindari takdirmu?
Jang Min Ho dan Jang Min Hwan, dua bersaudara keluarga Jang. Mereka dilahirkan dengan nasib berbeda, pribadi yang berbeda. Dua putra keluarga Jang yang terpisah selama bertahun-tahun, sekarang harus bertemu kembali untuk mendengarkan wasiat ayah mereka yang telah meninggal dunia.
Jang Min Ho.
Putra sah dari keluarga Jang, hidup serba berkecukupan dan berhasil mengenyam pendidikan yang bagus dan bekerja sebagai seorang jurnalis di sebuah tempat penerbitan di New York. Selalu tersenyum, ramah, dan berwibawa.
Jang Min Hwan.
Putra keluarga Jang dari seorang pelacur yang tinggal di distrik Dongdaemun dan bekerja di sana dengan penghasilan tak seberapa. Berbeda dengan Min Ho yang memiliki dan mewarisi segala sifat Ayahnya, ia tak punya kesamaan apapun selain DNA yang menyatakan bahwa ia putra keluarga Jang. "Gampang saja hyeong bilang begitu. Hyeong mewarisi sifat-sifat abeoji, sedangkan aku? Aku nyaris dianggap supirmu kalau namaku tidak bermarga Jang."  begitu Min Hwan pernah berkata.
Dua bersaudara yang dipisahkan oleh keinginan sang Ibu yang tak menginginkan Min Hwan—si anak tiri—untuk hadir di kediaman keluarga Jang. Dendam yang telah bertahun-tahun dipendam pun mencuat tatkala mereka bertemu satu sama lain. Keinginan untuk membalas apa yang telah dilakukan ayahnya membuat Min Hwan menjadi membenci kakak tirinya itu.
Di saat keadaan semakin sulit, hadirlah Adena, teman masa kecil mereka yang merupakan anak kepala pelayan, yang membuat keadaan tidak seburuk semula. Namun, siapa yang tahu apa yang ada di dalam hati masing-masing putra Jang itu? Nasiblah yang membawa mereka bertemu kembali. Bertemu dan tinggal di tempat yang sama, satu atap, demi menunaikan perintah terakhir abeoji—ayah—mereka. Meski hati tak menginginkan hal itu, namun tak ada yang dapat membantah keinginan ayah mereka.
Tinggal bersama, satu atap, sering bertemu, membuat mereka tidak terlalu kaku lagi. Dan mereka pun mulai mencoba untuk menerima hidup ini apa adanya.
Keadaan pun berangsur membaik. Hubungan Min Hwan dan Min Ho pun berlangsung layaknya saudara kandung. Adena pun merasa bahagia melihat kedua oppa—kakak—nya yang kembali berbaikan. Semua merasa bahwa takdir itu memang ada untuk mempertemukan mereka dan menyatukan mereka.
Namun, di saat keadaan berangsur membaik, terkuaklah satu misteri yang membangkitkan amarah dan dendam masa lalu, membuat Jang Min Hwan shock dan menyesali takdirnya.
Ia pun merasa bahwa tak ada artinya lagi ia terus berada di rumah itu dan mempercayai takdirnya. Ia harus pergi. Akhirnya, ia pun kembali ke Korea. Min Ho, yang terkejut melihat Min Hwan kabur begitu saja, mencoba mencari titik masalah yang membuat adiknya kabur. Maka sangat shock-lah ia saat mengetahui kenyataan pahit yang melibatkan Ayahnya, Ibu Min Hwan, dan Min Hwan sendiri.
Min Ho dan Dena yang tak ingin Min Hwan sendiri dan putus asa pun mengejar kembali ke Korea. Meski sulit, namun akhirnya mereka berhasil menemukan Min Hwan. Min Hwan menolak setengah mati keinginan mereka untuk kembali ke Indonesia. Ia tak mau tersakiti lebih dalam lagi. Cukup sampai disini nasib yang pahit melukainya.
Ketetapan Tuhan. Sesuatu yang tak dapat diubah oleh manusia. Nasib setiap orang berbeda-beda. Ada yang bernasib baik, ada yang bernasib buruk. Dua bersaudara yang dilahirkan dengan nasib berbeda. Apakah misteri yang membuat Min Hwan sangat menyesali takdirnya? Akankah mereka bisa bersatu kembali di tengah-tengah misteri yang telah terkuak itu? Bagaimana kelanjutan hubungan Min Ho dan Min Hwan?
Berlatar belakang dua negara sahabat di Benua Asia, Korea dan Indonesia, novel ini menyajikan kebudayaan kedua negara dengan sangat baik dan khas. Tokoh yang ditampilkan pun perpaduan antara dua negara. Selain itu, alasan saya mengikutkan review novel ini dalam lomba 2011 End of Year Book Contest ini adalah karena pada novel ini ada unsur "motif bulat" yang merupakan simbol shio yang ada di gantungan kunci tersebut, dan ketiga shio itu adalah shio dari Adena, Min Hwan, dan ayahnya Min Hwan. ^^
Dengan latar belakang yang dominan adalah Korea, tak heran jika ada banyak sekali kosakata Korea yang cukup membingungkan bagi orang awam. Namun, tak perlu khawatir, karena kak Orie telah menyiapkan kamus mini "FATE" di halaman belakang cerita. Jadi, bagi yang belum tahu tentang hangeul atau bahasa Korea, kalian dapat mempelajarinya di novel ini.
Tema yang diambil untuk pembuatan novel ini mengambil tajuk tentang takdir dan nasib, sesuatu yang telah ditetapkan Tuhan sedari kita belum lahir. Takdir yang tak bisa diubah dengan tangan manusia itu sendiri.
Alur dan plot yang menarik tersaji dalam novel ini. Dengan tebal buku kurang lebih 293 halaman, novel ini sangat pas dibaca bagi para penggemar novel. Mungkin pada awalnya, plot cerita ini sudah bisa ditebak, sama seperti beberapa novel karangan kak Orie sebelumnya, The Truth about Forever dan 17 Years of Love Song yang rata-rata ber-ending sedih semua. Alangkah kagetnya saat membaca novel ini. Ending-nya sungguh amat tak terduga. Siapa sangka kalau akhirnya bakalan indah dan menyenangkan?
Selain itu, alur dan plot yang tersaji dalam buku ini menggunakan alur campuran antara alur maju dan mundur. Awal cerita menceritakan tentang kisah di masa sekarang, saat kedua putra keluarga Jang sudah sama-sama dewasa. Sedangkan di bagian tengah cerita, terulang kembali kisah Tuan Jang sewaktu muda dengan Ibu Min Hwan ketika masih SMA, yang merupakan titik awal dari terjadinya kisah ini.
Selain itu, bahasa yang digunakan juga asyik dan terkesan enak dibaca untuk semua kalangan. Bahasa yang digunakan adalah semi-baku dengan perpaduan antara bahasa Korea dan Indonesia. Meski begitu, kita tetap bisa menikmati novel ini sampai akhir. Pokoknya, kalau sudah baca, tak akan tahan untuk tidak berhenti sampai akhir!
Karakter tokohnya pun terasa sangat hidup dan berciri khas. Min Hwan yang keras kepala, sensitif dan emosional namun baik hati, Min Ho yang perfeksionis dan tenang, serta Adena yang ceria dan penuh semangat membantu oppa-nya. Tanpa kehadiran para tokoh ini, maka novel ini mungkin akan terasa sangat hambar.
Unsur intrinsik lain yang ditampilkan dalam novel ini adalah amanat. Amanat dan pesan dari novel ini sangat bagus dan baik, yaitu hendaknya kita jangan menyesali dan lari dari takdir kita. Meskipun takdir kita buruk dan tidak sebagus takdir siapapun, kita harus tetap menerimanya karena pasti ada hikmah di balik semua itu. Dan hikmah yang bisa diambil dari amanat di novel ini adalah, karena takdir itu ada, maka kita semua bisa bertemu. Bertemu, saling mengenal dan menjadi satu keluarga, tak peduli dari mana asal usul kita, asalkan hati kita saling terpaut satu sama lain.
Meskipun begitu, novel ini juga memiliki kekurangan. Ukuran buku yang terlalu tebal dan font yang terlalu kecil akan membuat pembaca lain merasa malas dan kesulitan membaca. Apalagi untuk para pengguna kacamata yang matanya sudah rabun. Akan sangat kesulitan sekali bagi mereka untuk membaca dengan baik.
Karena itu, saran dari saya, sebaiknya tidak menggunakan font yang terlalu kecil, yang dapat membuat orang lain kesulitan untuk membacanya. Namun, secara keseluruhan, novel ini sudah baik dan bagus, untuk selanjutnya lanjutkan saja membuat novel yang bagus seperti ini, kak Orie! 
But, I must say, I like this novel a lot. Karena alur yang menarik dan ending yang tak gampang ditebak, serta tokoh yang hidup dan berciri khas membuat novel ini terasa lebih dari sekadar kalau saya menonton drama Korea. Novel ini justru terasa sangat hidup dan nyata! 4 thumbs up to Orizuka! Ini adalah novel favorit saya yang pernah saya baca. Mungkin Anda tertarik untuk mencoba membaca juga? Silakan Anda beli novel ini di Gramedia, jika persediaan masih ada, karena novel ini cukup laris dan terbatas! ^^

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Journal 66 : Khokkiri : Story of a Mistaken Identity (Eng) *spoiler alert!*

Annyeonghaseyo, yeoreobun~ Good night, all! ^^

Tonight I was really happy because I've finished reading my new bought-novel, Khokkiri. Actually I wanna post it here since one week ago, but unfortunately, I've just already finished it today, so I post it today.
The title is Khokkiri, and it is made by Lia Indra Andriana, my 2nd fave author after Orizuka at the 1st position. The meaning of 'khokkiri' is an elephant. I guess you must be excited, what is the relationship between elephant and a novel? Yup, if you don't know the story, you'll think like that, but if you read the synopsis and know what the story is about, you'll understand it. Actually I wanna post the synopsis here, but it's not funny if I post it now, you can read it when you buy it and it's not fair to the author, it's her copyright, haha.
The story is about a mistaken identity between two sister, and they're twins, Idella and Rebecca Linaryo. Idella and Rebecca, they're a closer twins. They look similar and no one can predict their difference, even their father, Dokter Linaryo. The eldest one is Becca—the nick name of Rebecca— but the one who looks older is Della—nick name of Idella—because of their appearance. Both of them like Korean Language, and Becca is going to learn it in her college. Actually Della is the same as Becca, but her father reject it, and he put her in a Medical Faculty in one university in Korea. Della don't like it at all, but she can't refuse it, so she keep staying there, and you know what? She even get the high score on it! How smart she is, right?
The problems come when Della and Becca—with their friends from Kyung Hee University—go for an event in a place, Busan. Actually Della is not invited, but they—Becca and her friends from the same faculty—need Della to help them, so they ask Della to join and that's why she was involved in. From Seoul, they go to Busan in a Korean Cultural Show. That's a year event followed by Korean foreign students to show their culture. That year, Kyung Hee chose 18 students, and Sang Hee—known as Becca's friend—is the leader of coordinator on it. The accident happened when they were going to go back from Busan to Seoul. Even that was too night, but the time for Seoul-Busan just spent 4-5 hours. If they had to spend one night more, they had to pay more for it, in other side, the university committee just gave a little of money for it. So, they chose that choice. Sang Hee imagined how if they didn't do that, the tragical moment would not happen. So, as we predict, the accident happened, they reached Kumi when a car passing them away, with a very fast velocity. Lee Chin Ho ahjussi—their driver—moved the stir away trying to avoid the car. It worked, but their bus fell down… 7 people died, include one of the twins, Becca—or believed to be Becca—because they found her identity next to her.
What happened next couldn't be believed. Della—who was safe—when she can said something, she just said that she was Becca, the one who died before! Noone believe it, also her father. He can't even recognize the girl, Della or Becca. For him, the one of them is alive, that's enough.

Noone knows that Della getting D.I.D. there are many characters inside of her, and show off one by one, changing each other, with a different type. There are Della, Becca, Lucie, and also Lady Vampire. 
Della met Richard, a doctor from Indonesia who asked for her help in Korea. Eventually, they just fall in love. Becca, the other side of Della, met Adriel Jo—or Jo Ji Ho—a korean man who is her boss, younger than her, but time by time can make her feelings different, and also, they fall in love each other.
When time to decide which one is needed—and remember, only ONE—Richard and Adriel fight for it. They fight for their girl. Richard for Della, and Adriel for Becca. It's hard, I know. Even, they—Richard and Adriel—are brothers, although not siblings. Time passed, day passed. They have to decide, Della or Becca should be in the body. Even if it's hard, there's only a choice they can get. Della or Becca.

I can't tell more. You should just buy it, read it, and feel the sensation when you read it. And you know, I cried when I read the last scene. Last paragraph, last words from Becca to Adriel—or Ji Ho—that she said to Della before she gone :

"Oppa, aku seekor gajah (khokkiri), 'kan? Gajah selalu ingat... Aku ingat, Oppa. Tapi sekarang aku punya sayap, jadi... kumohon... sekaranglah saatnya. Inilah saatnya Oppa melepaskanku." [TRANS] "Honey, I was an elephant, right? Elephant always remember... I remember, Honey. But now I have wings, so... please... it's the time. It's the time for you to let me go." :')

Ah, the most embarrasing is, I was crying also when typed this. How ashamed! >.<

Khokkiri. Elephant always remember, right? ;)
Rate : 5 stars

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Journal 65 : Saengil Chukkae yo, Lee Dong Hae oppa! #26HAEppybday

Saengil Chukka Hamnida yo, Lee Dong Hae oppa! We love you! :*

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

Journal 64 : The Lost Key

before you read this, please don't think like I wanna tell you a story. It's not a story, but it's a history! Haha
Actually, that's just a moment that happen in my daily life, and usually this moment never appears before.

The history (or funny stroy, yeah if you like that) began this afternoon. At 12.30 pm, in the very hot day, at noon, we go back from school. As usual, me and my friends, go to the backyard school fence, because we're the excity students, so we are not in our original home, we rent it (namely cost-an). But, you know what happen before we reach there? The fence still locked. Oh, my gosh! Where's the security? What are they doing? Didn't they see that NOW is the time to go back?

15 minutes passed when we're still waiting for it. But I couldn't stand it no more! So I ask one of my friend what happen actually, and you know what? The key was lost! What the hell again it is??
Damn, so the time for us to go home delay again (and again)!

Not patiently, I moved toward and went to the ojek place usually stay. I picked one of them, and go home. Yeah, I was the first who went home this afternoon.

Haahh.. so, it was the carelessness of the security, why don't they check the key before the time to go home? It'll not make students be angry, right? Yeah, like people usually said, they're just a human, and human makes mistakes, right? I just hoped that this'll not happen soon (and again)! Hopefully... -.-

See you, and good night all!

Journal 63 : What is the use of boyfriend??

This morning, when I'm still at my school, there is a wireless location here in our comp lab, so I use it to go blogging~~ ^__^
because of many reasons, this post will not be morning post, it's still the evening post. Why? 'Cause the bell was been ringing when I wrote this post. *Ugh!*

Confuse. That's one of I feel right now. I don't know what I am thinking exactly, I just confuse. Why?
My friends sometimes ask me, "Do you have boyfriend?", or "Why don't you have boyfriend?"

Now, I want to ask you all, what is the use of boyfriend exactly? Is it useful for us? Or just to make a twist in our relationship status? If that's your answer, you should think twice to have a boyfriend or girlfriend, if you're a boy.
It means that you're not mature yet. You're just think if you have a special friend, it will make you different to others and make others appreciate with you.

So, the use of boyfriend (or girlfriend) here is doesn't exist. There's no a special function and needs to have a boyfriend.

In Islam, there's no something like date or have couple before they're married. Why? It is forbidden, because if you have a special relationship before you get married, it'll make you not think rational, and then... BUZZ! Your life changed. You become pregnant, and your ex-boyfriend don't want to accompany you and be responsible in the condition you have. So, there are just two choice for you, then.
Abort the baby or embrio in your uterus, or just keep it and raise up it by yourself without any help.

That's why Islam forbid the dating before married. Except the bad impact, it will make a negative thinking for teenagers, all they teen life will always spend in dating and looking for couple also. So that, there's no benefit and a meaningful moment in their life. That's it. End.

Last, according to me (again), I strongly opposed to the statement that we may dating before married. Yeah, if you want to like someone, it's ok.. But, if you want more, no you may not.

That's why for today, I hope this post give any advantages and benefits for us.
Annyeong~ ^^

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

Journal 62 : Changed Your Mind, Hm?

wuih! I think it has been 2 months since I posted my last journal! waww.. :D haha

well, here is my comeback! You know, I was so busy in my school, there were so many tasks and homeworks to do! Arrgghh.. T__T

Tonight (exactly it's very night), I want to post my journal today with my "lover".. haha, yeah actually we're not couple, but I just like him! But so sorry before, because his name is secret! :3

Yah, karena aku rasa menulis pakai bahasa Inggris itu agak ribet, yaa.. but I must! hoho..

Today I was very shocked 'cause of something he said. Well, I think you all still don't know who is I meant by "he" here. He is my searchingan, maybe in Indonesian you'll know "gebetan"? Or ing English "someone you like"?

Nah, you know why I became very shocked? He changed his mind to go to a college! Maybe you'll think like this, "Why do you become so upset then? He just changed his mind, so what's the effect to you?"
But you don't know the BIGGEST effect of him to ME.
First, he is the obe whom I like.
Second, he changed his mind to go to a college from ITB become UI.
Third, I CHOSE UI , same with him!
Fourth, it means that perhaps we'll MEET again. Oh, no..
Even the possibly of we'll NOT MEET again is maybe.. but, I am not ready yet to think of it. Maybe we'll not be in the same faculty, but in the same university, how dare??
I don't know why he changed his mind of it, but maybe he make a promise to his friends to meet again at UI. Oh, damn! It means that my life will not be calm and peaceful yet! His friends are like a buzz, always disturb and make a noise, actually I don't like them, and I don't know why I can like him. Ck!

So, now I confuse to make a choice. Should I just choose my recent choice, or make a new choice, to prevent being in the same university with him? Tell me, please! >.<

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Journal 61 : New K-Dorama --> Neon Naege Banhaesseo (Heartstrings / You've Fallen For Me) has attacked my heart!! xD

Hello guys! How are ya? :D
Meet again with me, Mutiara Putri on my site. Well, I think it has been so long that I didn't post here ever. Yah, there were some reasons for that, first I was being so busy in this year, you know, I go to the 3rd grade of senior high school! It means that I must study hard ever after to prepare for my national exam. *urgh!* Oh, don't forget, a way that called SNMPTN is too. Well, this'll make me sooo busy! Second reason, I didn't have a modem for going online. So, it's hard for me to always make a post here. *mianhae~* and.. the last reason was.. I was so laaaazy to post here :P hehe.. I didn't have any ideas to post here. But, don't afraid, tonight I have a good post for you all! Let's enjoy it! :)

Tonight, I'll post a news about my NEWEST favorite dorama, or K-Dorama, that called "Neon Naege Banhaesseo (You've Fallen For Me/Heartstrings)"! I love this dorama so much! You know why? First, I like music, and there are so many things about music there. Second, I like the story.. It's simple and like a musical dramas. The last and the most reasons why I like it... is because of the main characters are my favorite before! xD I like Yonghwa and Shinhye since they acted in "Minami Shineyo (You're Beautiful)".. omo~ I like them so much~~~ *muach!muach!muach!* >3<
haha, well I think I've been so long introduce this post, so let's check this out!

Title  :  내게 반했어 / Neon Naege Banhaesseo
English title : Heartstrings / You've Fallen For Me
Previously known as페스티벌 / Festival
Genre : Romance, Music
Episodes : 15
Broadcast network : MBC
Broadcast period : 2011-Jun-29 to 2011-Aug-18
Air time : Wednesday and Thursday 21:55


Lee Shin is a university student majoring in modern music. He is also the vocalist and guitarist of the band "The Stupid." Shin is known for his good looks and strong passion for music, but in reality he is cold, lacks interest in anything unrelated to music and has neither dreams nor plans for the future. He initially likes Jung Yoon Soo, a dance professor at university, but this all changes when he meets Lee Kyu Won.
Lee Kyu Won is a bright and outgoing student who was born into a prestigious family and is majoring in traditional Korean instruments, especially the gayageum. Kyu Won's grandfather, Lee Dong Gun, is one of the top 3 traditional musicians of his age and his biggest wish is to see his granddaughter become a traditional music prodigy. Trying to live up to her grandfather's expectations, Kyu Won immerses herself in training and becomes a university student who knows nothing outside of her studies. As her friends are fans of "The Stupid", she was forced to go to the band's concert with them. There she saw Lee Shin performing live, and is immediately captivated by him.

  Jung Yong Hwa as Lee Shin
  Park Shin Hye as Lee Kyu Won
  Song Chang Ui as Kim Suk Hyun
  So Yi Hyun as Jung Yoon Soo
  Woo Ri as Han Hee Joo
  Kang Min Hyuk as Yeo Joon Hee
  Lee Hyun Jin as Hyun Ki Young
  Im Se Mi as Cha Bo Woon

 Extended Cast

 Lee Jung Hun as Im Tae Joon

  Jung Kyung Ho as Goo Jung Eun
  Jang Seo Won as Lee Soo Myung
  Shin Goo as Lee Dong Jin
  Sun Woo Jae Duk as Lee Sun Ki
  Lee Il Hwa as Song Ji Young
  Moon Ga Young as Lee Jung Hyun
  Kim Sun Kyung as Professor Hong
  Oh Won Bin as guitarist of The Stupid

Production credits

-  Production Company: JS PICTURES
-  Chief Producer: Choi Hong Mi
-  Producer: Lee Jin Suk, Kim Yang
-  Director: Pyo Min Soo
-  Screenwriter: Lee Myung Sook

That's the intro for the dorama.. you know, I really curious to know how is the stroy after I've read the synopsis of that story. And I was really surprised when watch the dorama live, OMO~ sooo amazing! *for me, I dunno if for you* I like the setting, the theme song, and also the characters! So interesting to watch and to see!
And I got the episodes from ep 1 until ep 10 from my friends, and I can't wait no longer to download and watch the next episodes! Uwaaa~ it's the first time I become like this! Never happen ever! xD haha
So, if you really LOVE MUSIC, LOVE KOREA, and also LOVE to be LOVED, you SHOULD watch this dorama 'till the end! DON'T MISS IT or you'll REGRET IT! ok? ^_~
Happy holiday all! For moslems, Happy Ied and hope we'll become a pure people ever after..
Annyeong~ :3

Rabu, 20 April 2011

Journal 60 : BETE dan SAD mode ON jadi satu

entah kenapa hari ini aku lagi dalam masa-masa BETE dan SAD mode ON abiss...
kayaknya sia-sia aja deh aku balik.. gak ada gunaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Journal 59 : Duet bareng Cici Agintha Argani ^^

well, setelah sekian lama saya vakum dari bahasa indo, hari ini saya mulai lagi mencoba untuk memakai bahasa nasional saya ini ^^

Hm.. alasan saya posting kali ini gak lain hanyalah cuma ingin berbagi cerita aja kalo tadi cici dateng ke rumahku, dia balikin novel ku yg sudah lama dipinjamnya..
eh tau tau aja aku ada rencana buat nulis novel berdua dia! :D haha

ceritanya aneh juga, ttg 2 sahabat yg temenan, tp kesukaan mereka bertolak belakang! yang satu sukaaaa banget sama korea dan benci JB ama LG.. tapi yg satunya justru benciiiiiiiii banget sama korea dan malah cinta abis sama JB dan LG.. haha, lucu gak sih? xD

eh gak taunya pas di tengah cerita, yg suka korea ketemu cowok korea, tp cowok itu malah suka sm yg benci korea! begitupun sebaliknya! :D

nah, jadinya gimana yah tuh cerita? aku juga belom tau, hehe :P

bubbye~ :3

Selasa, 05 April 2011

Journal 58 : A Little Sweet Quote for Me :)

"Jika kita terus melihat ke belakang, kita tak akan bisa melihat ke depan, jika kita terus berpikir untuk mundur, maka kita tak akan bisa berpikir untuk maju..
Bila kita tak pernah bersyukur, maka kita akan menjadi orang yang kufur, jika kita tak pernah menyesal, maka kita akan menjadi orang yang penuh rasa sesal..
Hadapi hidup ini dengan senyuman dan usaha yang nyata. Ingat, hidupmu indah hanya bila kau menginginkannya indah :)"

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Journal 57 : Livestream Sukira - 22 March 2011

wawww!!! Finally, on the last day in Baturaja, lovely home, I can livestream @sukira!! xD

The host is Leeteuk and Yesung.. actually I didn't understand what they said and sometimes the buffering was so late, but I was very pleased to see this live!!!
link here:

and join the video that I took by myself, here~~ :3

Journal 55 : Novel Review --> Our Story by Orizuka :)

hey all! I come back again! It has been so long that I didn't post here :3
well, now I bring some news to you all, as usual.. a NOVEL REVIEW! ^^
and the novel that will be talked is... "Our Story" by Orizuka! :)

High school years.
The period is always referred to as the most beautiful moments
but not for the sudents in Budi Bangsa School.
Budi Bangsa School is a Senior High School at the corner of the capital city that famous as the garbage disposal, because any kind of scum there.
Thugs. Vandals. Dissidents. Bullyers. Whore.
Come and go as they pleased.
Non-permanent teachers rarely come in and choose to teach elsewhere.
Drop out rates are much greater than the graduate one.
At first glance, there is no future for students in Budi Bangsa School,
even if they wish that.
For their high school years is just a bleak future that must be passed soon.
So they can get out of the status of 'youth' and become 'mature'.
So no more adults who can manage them.
So that they can finally be heard.
This is their story.

Well, that's the synopsys of the novel, and let's check it out about my review~ :3
The story begins with removal of a female student named Yasmine from a high school in America. She came to school in some questions, because she realized, it was a wrong school.
After realized that it was too late to escape, she finally went to the school, hoping that the school could make she better. but it turns out, all hopes were dashed, when it is known that the school is a garbage disposal school, where students attend school unscrupulous.
There is Nino, the cute school thugs but fierce and frightening. and also there is Mei, slut number 1 in that school that very beautiful. Last, there's Sisca that in love with Nino and do not like it if Yasmine near Nino, and besides that there is also Ferris, a smart and calm guy, the Leader of School Organization there and also class leader. For Yasmin there's one only choice, because she could quietly in class that there is no life.
Then, the story was continued. Thugs from other schools trying to disrupt their school by challenging their school brawl, and Nino as the head of the gang to feel very lazy and do not ignore it, which later turned out to actually have a bad impact for them. Yasmine that knows about the problem, then going to help Nino and friends by cooperate with Ferris, and you know then? Mei, too. Their future in school is on their hands.

So, what will happen next? Will Yasmine and friends can keep off the problem? Can Nino and Ferris--that in last moments had a problem between them--being a friend again? Will it ends happily? or just sadly? Don't know, then. If you want to know, just buy and read it at your lovely home. :)

Well, I think that's all for the short review, you can read full version on the REAL BOOK. Don't forget to buy it @ store! :D

With love,
Mutiara Putri